What is your TMJ?
Your TMJ is short for ‘Temporomandibular Joint’. This is the joint between your upper and lower jaw just in front of your ears. The jaw joints can occasionally cause problems, your Dentist can help treat and diagnose. If you are having problems with your TMJ give us a call on 01466 794089.
What are the main causes of TMJ problems?
There are a few different things that can cause TMJ problems such as gum chewing, arthritis, stress, teeth grinding, poor posture, teeth clenching, misalignment of the jaw or teeth and injury to the jaw or teeth. There are things that can be done to try and get you out of the discomfort of a TMJ problem.
What are the symptoms of a TMJ problem?
Symptoms of a problem with your temporomandibular joint are:
– Pain in your ear, possibly with ringing noises
– Pain in neck, face and chewing muscles
– Difficulty closing or opening your mouth
– Clicking or grafting noises when you move your jaw
– Swelling or tenderness over the joint
-Migraines or headaches (especially first thing in the morning)
What can be done to help?
Painkillers and sedatives can relieve symptoms in the short term. Other solutions can be to use relaxation and stress relieving techniques, giving up the habits that have worsen the condition and by wearing a guard at night to stop grinding your teeth in your sleep. We can make these at the practice.
Clicking or grafting noises are usually down to the cartilage jumping when you open your mouth. These can be helped by cutting up food into small pieces, avoiding chewy and hard foods and by trying not to open your mouth too wide.
Jaw joint pain is usually the result of increased tension in the jaw muscles this could include grinding, clenching or by bad habits such as biting your nails or chewing a pen.
