Denture stomatitis is also known as thrush. This is caused by yeast or fungus called candida. This isn’t an infection that can be passed on to anyone else.
This mostly occurs in people who wear denture or orthodontic appliances. It may also occur in people who take steroid inhalers, oral steroids or have poor oral hygiene. Some antibiotics may also cause oral thrush.
At each check up appointment our dentists and dental therapists check the soft tissues to ensure that they looks healthy. If you wear a denture or orthodontic appliances and have oral thrush; the roof of your mouth will appear red and inflamed it may not always be sore and you may not even realise it’s there. It may also appear at the corners of your lips. If oral thrush isn’t treated then it may start to become sore and uncomfortable it may also cause your dentures to become loose and they may not fit properly.
You can help treat denture stomatitis (or thrush) by:
- Removing your dentures at night to allow the tissues to breathe.
- It’s important to keep a good oral hygiene routine.
- Making sure you’re dentures or orthodontic appliance are also being cleaned, this can be done by using a clean nailbrush with some warm but not hot water and some washing up liquid or liquid soap and cleaning all surfaces, making sure to rinse them after.
- Soaking dentures or orthodontic appliances in a cleaning solution daily after they have been brushed.
- If you any metal on your denture or orthodontic appliances then it’s recommended NOT to use cleaning solution such as sterident or any solutions that contain bleach but using chlorhexidine instead, also we wouldn’t recommend to use this daily as it may start to stain the dentures.
If the advice above hasn’t helped clear the oral thrush then we may issue a prescription for lozenges or cream.
We will continue to monitor the soft tissues in the mouth and make sure that it’s healing. We also advise patients who only have dentures to visit us yearly so can also check the soft tissue of their mouth.
